Interlibrary Loan
Conant LibraryThe Library’s Interlibrary Loan service allows for the borrowing of books, articles, DVDs, etc. from other academic or public libraries.
Using WorldCat Discovery
If you find a book owned by another library or cannot find the full text for an article, you can make a request to borrow it from another library right from WorldCat Discovery. Click on the Title of the book. You will see a more detailed record of the book on the right side of the screen. Click on the “Request from Other Libraries” button then fill out the brief form with your name and Nichols email address and click “Submit”. An email will be sent out when the book or article has arrived.
Other Ways To Make A Request
To place a request for an article, book, or media not owned by Conant Library please email your request to or complete and submit an Interlibrary Loan Request Form.
Please provide as much information as possible:
- For books include the title, author, and publication date;
- For articles include the article title and author, journal title, volume and issue number, publication date, and page numbers.
Please note that items requested through Interlibrary Loan may take two hours or two weeks to arrive, depending on the location of the lending library. Most book and article requests are granted free of charge. Should the lending library charge a fee for the request, you will be notified before the request is filled. Borrowing time varies and is determined by the lending institution. The timely return of items borrowed through Interlibrary Loan is highly appreciated and ensures the continuation of borrowing privileges.
When items are received, borrowers are notified by email or phone to pick them up at the Circulation Desk.
In-Person Borrowing From Worcester-Area Institutions
Conant Library is a member of a number of library organizations, one of which is the Academic & Research Collaborative (ARC), a coalition of Worcester-area academic, public, and special research libraries.
Many of ARC’s college and university libraries in the Worcester area have agreed to share certain resources. Each of the libraries listed below will grant direct borrowing privileges to Nichols students, staff, and faculty.
- American Antiquarian Society
- Anna Maria College
- Assumption College
- Clark University
- College of the Holy Cross
- Fitchburg State University
- Mass. College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (MCPHS)
- Mount Wachusett Community College
- Quinsigamond Community College
- Tower Hill Botanic Garden Library
- Tufts University: Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
- UMASS Medical School Library
- Worcester Art Museum
- Worcester Historical Museum
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
- Worcester Public Library
- Worcester State University
- Worcester Trial Court Law Library
To take advantage of these borrowing privileges you will need a special ARC card and a valid Nichols ID. To obtain an ARC card, please contact Carrie Grimshaw (508-213-2234), or inquire at the Circulation Desk.
Note: ARC cardholders need to remember that the rules of the lending library apply when they borrow library materials from another college. These rules may be different from Conant Library’s policies. If you are unsure about any of the borrowing guidelines, be sure to ask the lending library about its policies.