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Nichols Hub

Information Technology




Welcome to Nichols I.T.! We are here to support all your technology needs as a valued member of the Nichols community. Our services include:

– access to your Nichols account
– Wi-Fi setup
– email synchronization
– Office 365 access
– and more!


How do I access my Nichols Email?
  • Online access: Log into Nichols ONELOGIN > open the OFFICE 365 app > then open the OUTLOOK app
  • Mobile Sync: Instructions for configuring your Nichols email to sync to your mobile device are located on ANSWERS > search for “SYNC
What type of computer should I bring?

Nichols suggests using a Windows 11 system because some software needed for capstone courses is only compatible with Windows. When buying a new system, Nichols recommends the following minimum configuration:

  • Windows 11 64 bit Operating System
  • Intel Core i5 Processor
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 3 year Accidental Damage Protection (spills and drops)
What software do I need?

The following are the primary software applications needed for academic work on campus:

  • Office 365 (cloud service) – All Nichols students are given an online Office 365 account, that includes email, contacts, calendar, OneDrive, and online versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
  • Microsoft Office (desktop version) – If needed, students may download a Nichols-licensed copy of Microsoft Office desktop version on up to 5 devices at no charge. Windows, Mac, and mobile versions are available. Follow these INSTRUCTIONS for installing OFFICE 365 onto your new computer.
How do I install Office 365?

As a Nichols student, you have the benefit of installing a Nichols-licensed copy of Microsoft Office desktop version on up to 5 devices at no charge. Windows, Mac, and mobile versions are available.

Follow these INSTRUCTIONS for installing OFFICE 365 onto your new computer.

Connecting to WI-FI

Laptops and Phones: Students can simply connect to the Wi-Fi named “NICHOLS”, then enter your Nichols username and password.

Guests visiting Nichols campus can receive 24 hours of internet access by completing the guest Wi-Fi registration.  Go to and open the GUEST LOGIN tab.

Gaming and Streaming Devices:  Go to and scroll down to the GAMING AND STREAMING DEVICES section > select REGISTER DEVICE

Instructions:  Visit Wi-Fi instructions for connecting all other devices.

Cable TV

Each residence hall room is equipped with one Cable TV connection, provided by Charter Business. Students must supply a TV and a coaxial cable for their room. Extended Basic CABLE CHANNELS are provided.

Charter Business has transitioned its analog video TV service to high-quality digital TV service. As part of this transition, only TVs with a Digital QAM tuner in them will be able to view the service.

Can I bring my gaming console and connect to the internet?

Yes. These are the gaming consoles that you can connect wirelessly at Nichols: PS5, PS4, XBox Series X.

Instructions can be found on Answers > search for “GAMING

I cannot login. Where do I get help?

Please contact the helpdesk at 508-213-2206 or email  Someone from the Help Desk will contact you during business hours.

How can I get answers to other technical questions?

Have questions that are not listed here? Go to

How to get service for a defective laptop

Nichols Assigned HP Laptops:  For those students who have a Nichols assigned HP laptop, we offer complete support.  If there is an issue, bring the laptop to the Help Desk during business hours.  If necessary, a loaner laptop will be given to you while the laptop is being serviced.

Free 30 Minute Support:  For those students with a personal laptop, the Help Desk will provide a free 30 minute support to troubleshoot the issue.  If it requires more extensive support, we will help you contact the manufacturer’s support.

Come Work In I.T.

The Nichols help desk is staffed by Nichols students. No technical experience is required. We provide the necessary training. Great way to hone your customer service skills, enhance your knowledge of technology and build your resume. Check Handshake for available positions.

Team Members

Steve Groff

Chief Information Officer

Charles Tousignant

Chief Technical Officer

Cindy Lafortune

Manager of User Support Services

Craig Brady

Director of IT Infrastructure

Joe Belanger

Digital Technology Manager

Mike Kubic

Information Technology Telecom Manager

Melissa Hueras

Administrative Assistant

Shawn Pezzuto

Network Administrator

Department Information

Location:Bottom floor of Library
Parking Lot C

Hours: Sunday: Closed
Monday: 7:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday: 7:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday: 7:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday: 7:30am - 4:30pm
Friday: 7:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday: Closed

Phone: (508) 213-2206
